Friday, March 5, 2010

Birthday Dinner

We went to Bistro Italiano last night for a quiet dinner. Pizza, shrimp & pasta, good stuff. It's a small neighborhoodly place near Schneider's with a small wine list and lots of homespun entrees. Good eating, yes. We didn't want to deal with the crowds elsewhere, and we were tired. It's okay--as a 34 year old "old lady" I'm very happy with that, and very happy with pizza with feta and spinach. Good stuff, indeed.

Mom & dad sent some workout clothes, and I have a couple of gift cards to spend. And I talked to Leigh Ann and got some more nice emails and facebooks. A few people I mysteriously did not hear from. Whatever, right? It still hurts a bit. Last year I mentioned the inevitable "let-down" feeling birthdays bring, even when you try your best to acknowledge others and insert subtle reminders, to keep all of this bday stuff on the radar. It's only human, I guess, to be happy with those nice acknowledgments while still feeling slighted by those who didn't take a minute of their day to remember. But yeah, I need to get over this. I'm very fortunate to have people remember and care just a bit.

Weekend ahead is, go out for girls night (is it bad I don't wanna??), shop (for an ironing board!!!), and oh yeah, a haircut! Yeah, my hair is so stringy and split-endy. Looking forward to that and my new purse and some shopping time!

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