Sunday, November 30, 2008


We were in Harlingen for Thanksgiving. It was a nice trip, despite the 5:30 am departures. The first class was nice...though it is nine now, and I've been awake for many hours at this point! We ate and drank too much like usual, shrimp and turkey and even chik filet. We saw Four Christmases, which was pretty amusing, actually. Vince Vaughan and Reese Witherspoon were pretty funny. We even made it to the Island...south padre beach and shrimp and fish tacos and eighty degree weather. Oh so nice.

We got back around 11am, and I did errands, box collecting, gym workout, and some kitchen packing. SO much to do coming up. I am already tired, and I know in two weeks we'll hopefully be in our new home. Very exciting.

I downloaded two new CDs...finally She & Him and Sia. I was tempted to get one more at five dollars a amazon. Mates of State? Still, some good music. I really have not bought all that much this year.

I don't even think I mentioned the convention. Other than the scary moment with the AG, things were fine. Much easier without responsibility. Always good to see friends. Struck by how everyone has to sit together on Saturday, and when I deflected and they're like oh, she's working. Yeah. I had a good time with my Texans. And the rest.

Oh am I tired. I am watching Desperate Housewives. Not sure if I will make it to Brothers & Sisters. But I want to stay up late so I sleep really well. Last night I napped too much and didn't sleep so well.

So ten for this week...

10. Listen to my new CDs.
9. Catch up on my new facebook friends.
8. Get a few good workouts in. I know the latter half of the month I won't have a chance!
7. Order pictures for Christmas gifts for both sets of fam. Figure out Joey's Christmas gift!
6. Pack!
5. Get some good nights of sleep.
4. Find boxes.
3. Figure out what to get Paul & Megan for their wedding gift. I am guessing it will come from Pottery Barn.
2. Pack.
1. Shill out life savings for the big day on Tuesday!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Timeline Twins


If you're around my age, how old do you feel right now? Here are some other examples of timeline twins:

Watching Star Wars today is like watching It's a Wonderful Life (1946) in 1977. It's a Wonderful Life was nominated for an Oscar the following year along with Ethel Barrymore (b. 1879) and Lilian Gish (b. 1893).

Listening to Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit today is equivalent to playing Terry Jack's Seasons In The Sun (1974) in 1991.

Watching The Godfather today is like watching Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times (1936) in 1972. Modern Times was a silent film (Chaplin's last).

Listening to the Sex Pistols' Never Mind the Bollocks (1977) today...well, they didn't really have rock or pop albums back in 1946. But popular songs on the radio were sung by Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Nat King Cole, and Dinah Shore, as well as many performers and their orchestras.

Back to the Future (1985) --> To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

Die Hard (1988) --> Bullitt (1968)

Radiohead, OK Computer (1997) --> Bon Jovi, Slippery When Wet (1986)

And from Jonah.

I've thought about this when I've listened to the radio. Greenday or Live or Pearl Jam or U2 comes on, and it takes me back now 14 years or more to college/high school. That would've been like listening to stuff from 1980, music that even now escapes me.

Thirty-two years and 8 months ago, I was born. Thirty two years before that, we were in the throes of WW2. Scary, considering that someone who was my age in 1944ish, someone old enough to be my grandparent, was Grandpa's age, and probably deceased. 94 years old.

We are as far away now from JFK's election as he was from Taft's election.
As far away from Reagan being in office as was to LBJ being in office.
The Simpsons premiered 19 years ago (1989!). 19 years before that, wasn't that when All in the Family premiered? Before my time.
Far away as the Cosby Show premiered (1984) as JFK's election was then.
And I'm as far away from being a college freshman as I was to being in 4 year old Sunday school.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Good foods...

Stole this from another blog...foods/favorites that I will always like to order, whole or ingredients or just yummy additions to a meal:
  • Avocados
  • Berries
  • kiwi
  • Goat Cheese
  • Asparagus
  • Pumpkin (cheesecake, soup...)
  • Feta
  • bacon
  • cinnamon
  • pine nuts/spinach combo
  • lemon/garlic hummus
  • peanut sauce
I need to cook more!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Husband is away...

So I am home alone. Miss him already but...

I've done one of these posts before. Stuff you can do when the boy is away. I just made a super yummy dinner of chicken teriyaki. The Harris Teeter sauce is quite tasty, and I used frozen veggies and chicken breast. I was so starving, and I could eat another entire portion if there were leftovers!! Unfortunately, there is only white wine left to drink!!! I hope the protein/veggies fill me up, and maybe later I will make a mini apple crisp for dessert. More yum.

I saw Katie & fam last night in Baltimore. Wow, I can't believe she has a 2 1/2 year old! They are so domesticated. We grabbed a bit at Uno's near the Inner Harbor.

Busy busy busy few weeks ahead. Convention, Thanksgiving, closing, moving, Christmas, Paul's wedding. I know gym time will suffer. I am going to watch more what I eat, proteins and salads and stuff like that. It's a struggle.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Escape routes

I watch significantly less TV than I used to, but there are still shows I love. I am really excited for Lost and 24's returns in early 2009. Really like Desperate Housewives this season, and Brothers & Sisters (Yes, really do like Justin & Rebecca). I love House still, and omg, loving Huddy--the House/Cuddy kiss was very intriguing, finally!!

That is making me miss some of the old TV I watched. I used to love soaps, of course, and it's been years now since I've watched. I was rereading old Roger & Holly transcripts/youtube scenes. Gosh, that was fifteen years ago. I think that was the last time a couple broke my heart. J&J, Harley & Mallet, Roger & Holly...I think those were my standout couples. Their stories were so great, the acting so good, the dialogue so top-notch. I don't think there is anything like that today on soaps. That is one thing I've always liked about House...great, snappy, snarky dialogue. The summer of 1993 on GL and 1990 on Days were probably the best storyline periods ever.

I don't need that romance and escapism as much in my life anymore. When you are in high school and lonely, that stuff that captivates you back then. And probably even now, if it was possible. Those scenes have lost nothing in the fifteen years since. Wow.

Friday, November 7, 2008

End Racial Preferences??

Yes, says Roger Clegg.

And, of course, Obama won. How plausible is it that America is still so racist that the counterdiscrimination of racial preferences can be justified, when the country has just elected an African-American to be its leader?

It would be silly to say, with a black man as president, that there is some disadvantage that blacks inherently have that would justify their receiving an advantage that poor, immigrants, whatever kind of minorities do not receive. How about an even playing field? Because if a black man can be president, what excuse does an 18 year old kid have?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In Defense of Bush

Worth reading:

The treatment President Bush has received from this country is nothing less than a disgrace. The attacks launched against him have been cruel and slanderous, proving to the world what little character and resolve we have. The president is not to blame for all these problems. He never lost faith in America or her people, and has tried his hardest to continue leading our nation during a very difficult time.
By a Dem, or at least someone who worked for Kerry.

So Much to Say

Too much to report on, but here's a bit:

The Obama Administration will bring:

For those inclined to make nice, which of the following Democratic agenda items are you prepared to sign on to so that you'll get invited to the right parties?
  • Employee Free Choice Act
  • Fairness Doctrine
  • Freedom of Choice Act
  • Nationalization of health care
  • Estate tax increases
  • "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" (driver's licenses for illegals)
  • Capital gains tax increases
  • Defense cuts
  • Liberal judicial appointments
  • Racial and ethnic preferences
  • Income tax increases
  • Bans on oil drilling
  • Global poverty tax/Kyoto
These are but a few. Perhaps the most worrisome agenda items are those that will betray a fecklessness in foreign policy that could lead to a nuclear Iran, a vulnerable Israel, an imperial Russia, and an imploding Pakistan.

And ugh. Cliff Taylor lost. What is the deal with you Michiganians?

Bizarro world. Finding out about our tv debut the same day we bought a place was super surreal.