Friday, April 29, 2011

The New Princess

While I didn't watch all of the coverage, I did get a little sucked into the Royal Wedding this morning. Princess Catherine and Prince William had a beautiful ceremony. I was a little girl of 5 years old when Princess Diana and Prince Charles got married, and I do remember that. But as a grown woman, a married woman, I appreciated this in a different sense.

Not so much the feeling of being a "princess" on your wedding day, because it all goes by so quickly, and what is really important is being a wife. But the fashion, the style, the music, the jewelry, the affection, the feeling of so many who come all accumulates into something quite special. And most importantly, the love. They seem quite happy. The new Princess seems so much more self-assured and mature than Diana was when she was thrust into that position nearly thirty years ago, but of course she would be: there is a world of difference between 29 and 20.

Happy wedding day! (And PS: lots of truth here.)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Duty of a Lawyer

This has created a lot of news in the past twenty four hours. Good for Paul, for having more integrity than his former employer.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Different from last year.  Thank God. We settled on Friday and went to Lauriol Plaza with Katherine and Brian.  Then we went bowling yesterday and ate at Cafe Deluxe with Adam and Rachel.  Then we went to mass and worked out and I've been taking it easy today.  I needed an easy day.

So calm and quiet today. And hot. In the 80s and humid.  When did Spring just disappear?

This was good. Happy Easter.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hockeytown 2011

The Chrysler ad with scenes of the Wings. Say what you will about Detroit, it has THE best hockey team and the most consistent. 4 victories down, and 12 more to go to get the Cup back in Hockeytown!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Grocery Stores are Followers, not Leaders

Interesting piece on a Whole Foods entering a gentrifying market.  Too bad Detroit doesn't have one...not just a gentrifying neighborhood, but a grocery store. I guess there are some hipsters moving back in the city, it just is so slow.
"To blame gentrification for rising rents is to get things exactly backwards," says Duke University economist Jacob Vigdor. "Companies like Whole Foods are building in places where the clientele is there already. They follow the customer."

When studying gentrification patterns in Boston, Mr. Vigdor investigated claims that elevated rates of neighborhood departure correlated with rising rents. "Actually, I found that in the gentrifying neighborhoods, the turnover rate among long-term residents was actually lower than it was in other parts of the city," because most residents see changes like lower crime rates and the revivification of derelict buildings as positive developments.
"People think that gentrification is causing prices to rise, when it's actually the reverse. In cities that are popular places to live, where demand exceeds supply, and prices go up all over the place—this leads people to seek out neighborhoods that are less expensive," says Mr. Vigdor.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Don't Jinx Me Yet...

Lots going on. Lots to do with work. Lots to do with the new house to be. Lots to do with travel. Lots to do with catching up with friends.

Detroit was so nice. Having K&C drop Joey off, having him be a little shy until he spotted the laptop, him crowding next to me to peer at the computer and smile when he saw that I could email and surf nickjr. on it. He is so freaking cute. He can mug for the camera, dance for the camera, and appear as charming as anything as he whined "Max and Ruby!"

It was a sweet couple of days and too short.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Two Kisses for Maddy is a book that will stay with me for a long time. It was a beautiful, tragic love story.  I found the blog through another blog through another blog, and I've been reading it somewhat regularly.  He writes bluntly, honestly, and says what's in his heart. I think we all want a love like that.  I like the no bullshit approach to what is everyone's last, worst nightmare. 

I read most if on the plane to and from Detroit, particularly that turbulent flight back. Perhaps more about Detroit later. Joey is about Maddy's age--they probably had very close to the same due date. His joy reminded me so much of what Matt's must have been.  The ipad, the Max and Ruby...just fun stuff.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Liberals turn

Richard Cohen has another good column on our do-nothing president. He is utterly irrelevant, isn't he? But at least he protected Planned Parenthood dollars!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I am annoyed at stupid questions.
I am listening to the Head and the Heart on repeat.
I am refreshing Redfin and pondering spending a lot of money. Also a view of the Capitol.
I am hungry.
I am looking forward to seeing nephew Joey.
I am dealing with a dry itchy eye.
I wish I could run but it's gloomy out.
I am way too unfocused.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dear St. Joseph

I have been asking ALOT of you lately.  A lot. So maybe one more favor is a bit too much....

But if you can intercede...we need a place to live, not too out of our budget, with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an outdoor area.  That is all. Not too far away, and hopefully in NE. Or SE. Please?  We need a place to be a family, to have a family, to share our love and be comfortable and happy and stress free. We need this like we need air and water and food.  We need a home.

And I am also praying to the other Josephs in our family.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The New Commodore 64

The Commodore 64 is making a comeback.

I remember these starting circa 1984/1985.  I think it was third grade? Most of my memories consist of writing simple programs, changing the color of the screen and the cursor, and playing games like that space one and Oregon Trail, the 1980s edition.

Has it really been nearly three decades since that computer came out? Sheesh, I am getting old. I bet Joey would find it bewildering to see one of those old machines! No touch screen, it's huge, boring graphics if any.

Good luck to the folks at Commodore USA (whoever thought that company still existed!) for this product. I do have a feeling most of its customers will be 30 and 40somethings looking to relive their childhood.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cherry Blossom Ten Miler

Not my best finish, but it was great having mom and dad here.  42:50 for first five, and 1:28:50 overall, for 8:53 overall.  The potty break cost me. But I finished 2019/8996 for women, which is respectable.

It was a great weekend, with seeing the Constellation and lunch at M&S grill.  A rainy walk on Saturday but we did see the cherry blossoms and had dinner at Argonaut after church.  Then the race and Old Ebbitt on Sunday and we picked up Steve.  Oh, and open houses.  And today was BWI and DCA, but hopefully they will be off soon.

I miss them and had a good weekend.