Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Plan to Raze Detroit

Detroit is finally going to start wrecking their abandoned buildings.
Detroit Mayor Dave Bing's administration already has demolished 4,500 "dangerous and abandoned buildings," according to press secretary Naomi Patton, and plans to tear down another 1,500 vacant structures by the end of September — part of Bing's pledge three years ago to demolish 10,000 derelict buildings by the end of his term in late 2013.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Veepstakes:2012 Edition

I received the email from the Romney campaign about "Meet the VP!"  Yes, we are days or weeks away from the big announcement.

I would like Paul Ryan. Or Tim Pawlenty or Rob Portman or even Bobby Jindal or Marco Rubio.  The latest candidate du jour? Condi Rice.

Bill Kristol discussed this prospect a week ago. After the Drudge headline, Peggy Noonan jumps in, too.  Condi has huge positives (80%!) and does not seem tampered by her long association with the Bush Administration.  Net negatives? Her mild pro-choice stance, and she has never run for elective office.  And Dick Cheney was not a fan. Conservatives really won't love it.

But she is smart and tough, and the first female VP being a black woman? Well, if we can't have Janice Rogers Brown on the Supreme Court, would this do?

We shall see, sooner rather than later, won't we?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TV Impact

What televised events resonate most?

For me, 9/11, certainly. I'd follow that up with the Challenger disaster, the OJ Simpson car chase, the death of Princess Diana (and her marriage to Prince Charles), Katrina, and U2's Superbowl show after 9/11. And everything associated with the 2000 election. So news events.

Entertainment wise? Probably series finales of shows like Friends and Seinfeld and ER. "Love's Labor Lost" of ER and that Ross & Rachel kiss. The finale of Lost. The finales of the Cosby Show and the premiere of the Simpsons.

What am I missing?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Uganda Reading

I finished The Teeth May Smile but the Heart Does Not Forget by Andrew Rice over the weekend.  The disappearance of Eliphaz Lak during the idi Amin reign of terror is the subject of the book, which details his son's Duncan's search for justice.  The tale doesn't have a happy ending in some respects--no conviction--but somehow closure and a form of justice and accountability is found.  The themes of forgiveness and accountability resound in the book. I feel like I know the country a bit better and I understand how people want to just move on.  A significant part of Uganda's population was born after 1979, anyway, and anyone younger than I am would have very few if any memories of that era.

I am getting excited as we approach two weeks. And a part of me just wants to get to the "after" part of the trip. But an adventure does await...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Family Visit Memories

Joey yelling at everyone that flip cup "was stupid! Don't play this stupid game! I'm from the police and I'm going to arrest you! You're bad!!!" And telling the poor waiter, that too.

Joey: "There are no time outs in this house! There are no corners in this house!"

Joey: "This bathroom is so cool!"

Hanging out at the building museum and that awful Subway.

Steve popping wheelies in the stroller.

Watching the amazing fireworks on the 7th Street block party.

Watering the flowers and the tomato plants.

All of those red to go cups littering the house. "I will get you water!"

Playing Apples to Apples with the family. Joey kind of playing.

Joey trying to drink our beers.  And wanting to name all of his future siblings "Stewie" or "Peter" or "Brian."

His surfer bus and FBI truck gifts.

Joey liking all of the sour cream and potato chips, and liking the spicier almonds.


The horrible 95 degree plus heat.  Which led to the meltdowns.

Lots of fun.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Zombies Invade Detroit

Ah, what to do with lots of empty houses? Urban farms and zombies!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

DC Derecho

Everyone in DC is now familiar with the term "derecho" after this past weekend's destructive storms that left hundreds of thousands of homes without power. In triple digit heat, that is not fun (see Pepco on Twitter).

The month started memorably, and family will be here soon. There's the 4th of July this week. Then possibly Miami and Philly. Then Texas. Then Uganda. Then ordinary time? Well, a visit to Cincinnati. And I will have a chance to congratulate my brother & Megan in person. Baby. Wow.

We went to the DC United game this weekend.  It was nice to have some time on our own. And then we spent time watching the pathetic 4-0 trouncing of Italy via Spain in the Euros finale before getting sucked into the Olympic trials. Those athletes are so amazing to me. Has it really been 4 years since the last one? Beijing?

Here is hoping for a a great July. At least my clean new contact lens are here and I can see!!!

Amazon Picks for July

Amazon always has a great collection of $5 albums. Here are mine for July...

Brothers by the Black of the best albums of 2010.
Plans by Death Cab..."I Will Follow You into the Dark" is one of the most romantic, dreamy indie songs ever.
O by Damien Rice...romantic dreamy music, too.
Manners by Passion Pit...Check them out in advance of their upcoming album.
Langhorne of my favorite albums of 2012.
Dookie by Green alternative classic that is now 18 years old!!! I was that age when it was released.
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco...another alternative classic.
Mixed Emotions by Tanlines...another great 2012 release.
Colours by Graffitti6...."Free" is a favorite track of 2012.
Signs and Signifiers by JD McPherson..."North Side Gal" is an old school track.

What am I missing?