Monday, July 9, 2012

Uganda Reading

I finished The Teeth May Smile but the Heart Does Not Forget by Andrew Rice over the weekend.  The disappearance of Eliphaz Lak during the idi Amin reign of terror is the subject of the book, which details his son's Duncan's search for justice.  The tale doesn't have a happy ending in some respects--no conviction--but somehow closure and a form of justice and accountability is found.  The themes of forgiveness and accountability resound in the book. I feel like I know the country a bit better and I understand how people want to just move on.  A significant part of Uganda's population was born after 1979, anyway, and anyone younger than I am would have very few if any memories of that era.

I am getting excited as we approach two weeks. And a part of me just wants to get to the "after" part of the trip. But an adventure does await...

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