Friday, July 6, 2012

Family Visit Memories

Joey yelling at everyone that flip cup "was stupid! Don't play this stupid game! I'm from the police and I'm going to arrest you! You're bad!!!" And telling the poor waiter, that too.

Joey: "There are no time outs in this house! There are no corners in this house!"

Joey: "This bathroom is so cool!"

Hanging out at the building museum and that awful Subway.

Steve popping wheelies in the stroller.

Watching the amazing fireworks on the 7th Street block party.

Watering the flowers and the tomato plants.

All of those red to go cups littering the house. "I will get you water!"

Playing Apples to Apples with the family. Joey kind of playing.

Joey trying to drink our beers.  And wanting to name all of his future siblings "Stewie" or "Peter" or "Brian."

His surfer bus and FBI truck gifts.

Joey liking all of the sour cream and potato chips, and liking the spicier almonds.


The horrible 95 degree plus heat.  Which led to the meltdowns.

Lots of fun.

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