Sunday, November 30, 2008


We were in Harlingen for Thanksgiving. It was a nice trip, despite the 5:30 am departures. The first class was nice...though it is nine now, and I've been awake for many hours at this point! We ate and drank too much like usual, shrimp and turkey and even chik filet. We saw Four Christmases, which was pretty amusing, actually. Vince Vaughan and Reese Witherspoon were pretty funny. We even made it to the Island...south padre beach and shrimp and fish tacos and eighty degree weather. Oh so nice.

We got back around 11am, and I did errands, box collecting, gym workout, and some kitchen packing. SO much to do coming up. I am already tired, and I know in two weeks we'll hopefully be in our new home. Very exciting.

I downloaded two new CDs...finally She & Him and Sia. I was tempted to get one more at five dollars a amazon. Mates of State? Still, some good music. I really have not bought all that much this year.

I don't even think I mentioned the convention. Other than the scary moment with the AG, things were fine. Much easier without responsibility. Always good to see friends. Struck by how everyone has to sit together on Saturday, and when I deflected and they're like oh, she's working. Yeah. I had a good time with my Texans. And the rest.

Oh am I tired. I am watching Desperate Housewives. Not sure if I will make it to Brothers & Sisters. But I want to stay up late so I sleep really well. Last night I napped too much and didn't sleep so well.

So ten for this week...

10. Listen to my new CDs.
9. Catch up on my new facebook friends.
8. Get a few good workouts in. I know the latter half of the month I won't have a chance!
7. Order pictures for Christmas gifts for both sets of fam. Figure out Joey's Christmas gift!
6. Pack!
5. Get some good nights of sleep.
4. Find boxes.
3. Figure out what to get Paul & Megan for their wedding gift. I am guessing it will come from Pottery Barn.
2. Pack.
1. Shill out life savings for the big day on Tuesday!!!!!

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