Friday, March 12, 2010

American Idol: Jumped the Shark

This piece pretty much sums up yesterday's sad, sad eliminations. Seriously, that Katie "Seven Year Old" chickie instead of Lilly? Ugh. And Alex Lambert was so sweet and earnest. Ugh, it'll be a long, long season.
As if Alex's exit wasn't bad enough, Lilly Scott's Tuesday night performance of "I Fall to Pieces" proved horrifically prophetic, as she too was eliminated Thursday--even though I'd always had her pegged as one to beat (an opinion that was unanimously shared by the judges). "I know there are people out there who want to jam with me," a visibly saddened Lilly mused. And she's right: Lilly, if you're reading this, I'll jam with you on your Moog and mandolin any time. You were robbed....

Siobhan Magnus, Crystal Bowersox, Casey James, and Michael Lynche: If you're reading this, I'm counting out you four to save the entire show now. You guys are my only hope, barring any last-minute reinstatement of the show's old Wild Card policy.

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