Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Twenty Years Ago III

So I could be off by a day or two, but 20 years ago our family left Detroit and settled in Fraser.

I lived in Fraser for four years, went to high school in GPW and Royal Oak, and then left for Indiana in 1994. Four years later, I came to DC and I have never left. So after twelve years, DC is so much more home than Fraser was.

But it's still "home." Detroit is home, Fraser is home, it is where my family is and where I grew up.

Michigan is at a crossroads this year, just like in 1990 when John Engler was elected. Yesterday was the primary, pitting Virg Bernero vs. Rick Snyder. Not the top choice for many Republicans--more people voted against him yesterday than voted for him--but I am hopeful he will prevail in November. Just like twenty years ago, Michigan will elect a Republican governor in November.

And things will get better.

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