Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Day After

The day leaving the beach is always bittersweet. You've had a wonderful time with friends you don't get to see very often, you play fun games (poker, Loaded Questions, Scene It Simpsons and Seinfeld) and see great movies (The Hangover, Up in the Air, Love Affair), you eat amazing food (fajitas, steaks, pizza), and you don't need to be answering emails and having to wake up early or any of the boring, wearing daily activities. But there's a part of you tired of the excessive drinking, the out-of-the-ordinary food, the inflexibility of your schedule, the limited opportunities to work out. You are ready to go back to ordinary time. Just like the daily grind makes you appreciate vacation so much, vacation makes you appreciate the daily grind. Ironic, no? Plus you get Chick-fil-A on the way home :-)

I will miss Bethany. I'm not sure I want to go back to work, but I am ready to take on 2010. Best wishes ahead for a wonderful new year.

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