Tuesday, January 26, 2010

AM Workout

After a solid eight hours of sleep at the JW Marriott, I was on the treadmill by 6:30 a.m. Knocked out four miles. I almost could go back to the gym tonight, b/c I've almost forgotten it! And I did have an indulgent meal last night of calamari and seafood pasta, not to mention wine.

Though I guess this means I can have a good morning workout, provided I get eight hours of sleep, which is a rare thing. I don't particularly enjoy dependency on Tylenol PM, but hey, it works for now. Ideally, morning workouts would be great. I would like more evening time, but at the same time, there is something cathartic about an evening run.

Sigh. Why won't the days just get longer?!?! I hate winter.

This afternoon is dragging. Busy morning and I'm totally unmotivated right now.

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