Friday, October 29, 2010

Krugman is a Moron

My favorite line:

“This is going to be terrible. In fact, future historians will probably look back at the 2010 election as a catastrophe for America, one that condemned the nation to years of political chaos and economic weakness.”


“In a recent interview with National Journal, he [Obama] sounded a conciliatory note, saying that Democrats need to have an “appropriate sense of humility,” and that he would “spend more time building consensus.” Good luck with that.” Too little, too late.

Obama has had two years to build consensus. Why does he only want bipartisanship now, when he's on the edge of losing a comfortable Congressional majority? Why is consensus only important when the GOP is poised to gain the edge?

2010 is going down in history as the year that voters took back this country. It is the year they will reject Obamacare, reject Cap & Trade, reject the politics of Pelosi, reject card check, reject the stimulus and too big to fail, and reject the role of Government as Big Brother, lecturing us as to what is in our best interests. We aren't scared, or clinging to guns or religion. We have never been more ready to take this country back. Otherwise, the only thing we'll be endebted to Obama is years of crippling debt and ultimate catastrophe.

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