Monday, January 23, 2012

Sad Separation

I was sad and a little surprised to hear that Seal and Heidi Klum were separating. I hoped it was all a nasty rumor this weekend. They always seemed so deliriously happy, and maybe in retrospect, it was a little too over-the-top happy. And apparently his nasty temper is a reason. No one should have to live with someone with a horrible temper.  No one. And I hope for the sake of their four children, they can work something out. Or get help.

It never is that big of a surprise of a major couple splitting, but I can't but feel something for them. It was almost a fairly tale. But there are no real fairy tales, are there? That is why marriage takes work, time, and consideration, and that's why they should never be too easy.

Of course, this is a real love story. 

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