Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Too Much Weekend

So as I suspected, this weekend was crazy. From dinner Thursday at Legal Seafoods, dinner at Las Placitas, Bill & Jen's, lots of football and NFC upsets (49ers! Giants!), way too much time at the Biergarten Haus and far too much carnitas, and dinner at Bangkok 54 with the ladies, I was definitely restaurant'd out this weekend. And socially, it was really too much. I was yearning for some me time, and I didn't really get that. I did get an hour in Barnes & Noble yesterday afternoon, but with no where to sit, it wasn't enough. Gosh, do I miss Borders across the street...

Though all of that being said, it was good to see friends. I am looking forward to a quiet weekend coming up, though. No craziness, just camping out and watching the second to last NFL Sunday until the Fall. And it did make January go by just a bit faster. I really hate winter, I have cold, and and I hate stressing about freezing temperatures and frozen pipes. I just want it to be Spring, you know? Warmness and birthdays (well, never mind on that). I just want the clock to move faster.

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