Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I feel like I've been struggling with weight the last few weeks, up a few more pounds than I'd like. I don't know if it's alcohol, too much salty indulgence, the lack of stress, too much computer time, the lack of sleep, or a combination of all of the above. I guess the latter. I don't like feeling "fat" or bloated, and I know I need to mix up the running. But I'm struggling.

I want to look good as a bridesmaid and at the upcoming weddings, and I want to look good for myself. And my husband. I just need to mix it up. Maybe there is something to this yoga/pilates long and lean thing, though that never really has been my body type. But if I get through the Army Ten Miler, it'll be winter and time to hibernate a bit. To be better to my body, and healthier.

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