Thursday, January 10, 2013

Liberals are Hypocrites

But does that really surprise you? Blacks are "black" and women are "women" only if they espouse certain viewpoints. Stereotypically liberal ones. Otherwise, well, that is not real diversity.
MSNBC host and commentator Melissa Harris Perry surprisingly defended the lack of diversity in President Obama's second term cabinet in an appearance on the network this morning. Harris Perry says just because someone is of one gender and not the other or has a certain skin color doesn't mean they are representative of that specific group. Harris Perry cites Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as an example, who she says doesn't represent "the vast majority" of African-Americans.

MSNBC host and commentator Melissa Harris Perry says we should "be careful" when it comes to calling out the hypocrisy of President Obama for having a not so diverse cabinet. Perry says we don't want to "assume that any given physical body carries with it a set of political ideas."

Harris Perry names Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as an example. Harris Perry says just because he is black it "does not mean Justice Thomas is representing necessarily the positions, the issues, even the Constitutional interpretation that is shared by the vast majority of civil rights organizations, by the vast majority of African-Americans."
So when we're considering "diversity" in the workplace, does that really mean diversity of ideas? Or diversity=liberal views? Someone please explain it to me. So before every "minority" applicant is accepted to grad school or offered a job as a firefighter, should we first ask them what their particular set of political ideas is? Because surely we cannot just assume.

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