Thursday, February 24, 2011

College Ask

Some obnoxious, immature SMC student called me last night, ostensibly to ask for a donation. She was giggling when she asked me how long it had been since I was back on campus (13 years almost) and then stammered when I pointed out there was little reason to go back when I was hundreds of miles away. I hung up after I told her that she wasn't conducting this impromptu questionnaire very well. I don't even think she apologized or asked if I had a few minutes of time.

The school's liberal drift will prevent me any time in the near future from donating money. Honoring lesbian radical feminist theologians and the likes of Howard Zinn don't cut it.  And hosting CodePink is ridiculous. Apparently the passive pink ribbon "non-violent" protesters, the likes of which are the same ones that would probably attack a Republican in Madison for daring to suggest curbs be imposed on union hegemony are not peaceful.  Codepink, which "is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities," is completely unaccountable, and they don't have the faintest idea what peace is. Most of their members are hateful, narrow-minded bigots who accuse anyone who opposes their pro-extremist policies as being racist.  Apparently, after this country was attacked on 9/11, they decided that we should roll over and play accountable to our sins against mankind.  They are the ones who equate the actions of Ghaddafi with Governor Scott Walker.

I can rant on and on about the idiocy of the left. All I know is that I won't subsidize their narrow minded thinking on a campus I attended back in the mid-1990s. I'd rather start a scholarship fund for students to go to CPAC or to bring in a leading Catholic scholar like a Hadley Arkes or Robert George. Not Howard Zinn.

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