Monday, August 31, 2009

A quiet weekend!

It was a quiet weekend, cooked mussels and shrimp. Ran 7 miles on the treadmill on Saturday, and 5.4 miles outside yesterday. And it's gorgeous out now...70 degrees, very Fall-like. Yeah!

I saw two movies, He's Just Not That Into You and finally, three years late, The Devil Wears Prada. Yes, two totally chick movies, since the boy was at work. I enjoyed them both. I could relate to Jennifer Aniston's character, dating seven years!, quite a bit :-) And I definitely saw some of L's assistants in the Anne Hathaway character Andrea.

Hopefully this will be a quiet week, leading to another relaxing weekend. Monday is off to not a bad start. Yum, I'm a big fan of the peanut butter cookie larabar. I will have to stock up. I've never understood the fascination with bars, but this one tastes good and is a better snack than my Lance Whole Grain sharp cheddar crackers, though they are both tasty.

I cannot believe it is already August 31; the summer has flown by, although it's not Labor Day yet for an entire week. I love the turn to more fall-like temperatures here, but I'm sad that it gets dark so much earlier and my great evening outdoor runs are coming to an end soon. I should try to get up earlier, but I can't.

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