Thursday, August 29, 2013

Summer's End

It's almost Labor Day weekend, and I swear I don't know where this summer went. Between that week with the National Concert, Napa, and then Florida and international travel and now, I really don't remember where the last three months have gone. We have a beautiful new nephew, went down to South Padre and visited Jamaica, again. I went to Montana. We had a 4th of July in Onancock. Beth visited. Steve brought home lots of Port. A friend, Elizabeth, is moving away. I watched House of Cards and read several books. We celebrated our neighbors' 30th birthdays. And we saw fireworks, twice.

Summer kind of began with the block party and ends with the triathalon/start of the football season, I think. Or maybe the H Street Festival, at least officially. And now it will be Fall. Cooler weather, pumpkin, football Sundays, fantasy football drafts, and other things to look forward to.

But it means longer nights. And other less fun things, too.

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