Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Detroit Post-Mortem?

Very sad:
Which brings us to the Detroit City Council’s 6-2 vote Tuesday not to cut its own budget by 30% -- or more than $4 million.


In a city on track to run out of cash by April or sooner, a city with crushing unemployment, a growing homeless population as winter looms, a city talking about eliminating hundreds of police and firefighters, council members are quibbling about whether they can scrape by with a few bucks less than the $700,000 each is allotted for their office and staff each year? Really?
Detroit is self-destructing, and that the city could only muster two votes to decrease its own bloated budget only shows that it is not serious about reform. The state is going to have to intervene at some point before the city goes completely bankrupt. Quite frankly, they should just axe two of the seats.  And problem solved--you save $1.4 million.  Then axe the rest of the budgets.  But the city is simply incapable of removing its hand from the cookie jar.

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