Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Originals

I was flipping through some of my old diaries from 6-7-8th grades. I guess New Year's Day always makes me feel a bit introspective.  I was so childish, so easy to crush on boys who never cared at all for me, and I was so lonely.  I wish someone had served as more of a mentor to me, at a time I was really struggling with grades and how to fit in.  I did not appreciate my family nearly enough, and  I was a typically teenager in so many respects.

That was already 20+ years ago, 2/3 of a lifetime ago.  Sometimes I still feel like that young girl. I never was secure enough to pick up the phone or confront friends who betrayed me, or to feel confident enough in myself to stand up for myself.  Those years are so damn formative.  They never stop affecting you, do they?

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