Thursday, December 2, 2010

Memories III

Second grade...not my favorite year. Insecurity, math races, First Communion.  I remember that coffee can bread.  I remember Laura being our lunch girl and doritos.  I remember not being a brownie--or was that third grade? I remember songs. I remember having a little brother in kindergarten.  I remember feeling a little hard to fit in.

Third grade...more math races and feeling self-conscious about winning.  Cabbage patch kids.  Being the kid in the primary grade building, with two little brothers. We made volcanoes and studied the space program. I remember getting my ears pierced.  I remember those green bulb candies.  I remember the Tigers winning the World Series and having Spirit Day/Bless You Boys day.  I remember classmates' losing their dads. I remember the arsons in Detroit and fire engines and sirens. But I think we all blended in, still, enjoying the slumber parties and friends that were boys like Chad and Steve.

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