Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

Thanksgiving was here and gone in a blink of an eye. We had a smooth flight coming in, and Kev picked us up at the airport. Then we had dinner with the whole fam at Roger's Roost on Wednesday. Joey is sooo big and cute. He was shy at first, and then cranky due to lots of missed nap time. But he looks more like a little boy now than a baby, and bigger than his pictures. He adores babies, computers, cheese, mama, that mystery box in dad's office, and shutting the door. He also likes cards, putting the ball through the little basketball hoop, looking like a baby model in his baby Gap shoes, sitting in a big-boy chair, and putting things in (and out) of trash cans. He is too awesome.

I got some shopping time in with mom at Lakeside, Target's, Kohl's. Dad gave me some new books. We watched lots of football. Celebrated L-A's big 30th birthday at Lions, Tigers, and Beers.

Must get home again soon.

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