Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What I Am Thankful For...

My husband.

My home.

To have my parents, and my parents-in-law, all healthy and happy.

My brothers and sisters-in-law.

My two awesome nephews.

To be both employed, and decently paid.

To be able to run.

To be healthy.

To have spending money.

To have so many of my friends be so happy.

S was right on Friday night; things are going well for the group, and we are at that sweet spot where we can welcome so many new lives into the world, have our parents be healthy and active, and be able to still get together once in a while. The beach weekend this year will most likely be the last, and I am grateful we have been able to spend five New Years there together, before we all become further immersed in our growing families.

We are very blessed.

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