Friday, September 18, 2009

What a Week..

So I am way behind in posting. Jenny's wedding was a lot of fun, great music, and she looked beautiful. I ate more mashed potatoes than I ever thought possible, oh those were so good. The weather could have been better, could have been worse. It was a lot of fun.

Houston was fun. The guys were crazy and good party-ers, and I had some pretty awesome margaritas and fajitas after the investiture. Good times, and it reminded me why I do not always dislike my job.

And today marks the grand finale of GL. I watched this weeks episodes online, and it's very sad. I watched that show pretty consistently for a decade-plus, from 1983ish to 1994ish. I only stopped watching after the debacle of a break-up between Roger and Holly. But I'd turn in over the years, see the Marian Crane saga or bits and pieces of Phillip and Beth or Matt & Vanessa. This is a sad day. It was neat seeing the faces from the past that popped up this week, Bridget and Bridget and Nola and Mindy and nuMichelle and Fletcher and Holly and Ed and all those other characters that made the show so awesome to watch in its prime 17, 18 years ago, at least its prime for my generation. Some touching tributes showed up online. It's amazing that so many posters have kept up with the show for decades. Life and growing older and just general disappointment have prevented me from becoming one of them.

From my perspective, these last shows have been pretty well done. The little tips toward history...Phillip's writing and Beth's art (I remember that!), Fletcher & Alex's friendship, the mature connection between Ed & Holly, Bridget at the boarding house, all of that....reminds me of watching so many years ago.

TV Guide Canada ranked some of the actors/actresses/couples. I mostly agree. I'd have Harley & Mallet in my top love stories, with Roger & Holly #1. And I'd have David's trial to Harley & Mallet's wedding in my top storyline list. And the R&H cliff house scenes. Rachel Miner deserves to be among the best actresses.

More HERE.

Bye GL, and thank you.

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