Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Presidential Daughters, Detroit, and DC

Fun piece in today's Post on Meghan McCain and her blog. She sounds like a fun girl. There have been the inevitable comparisons between her and Chelsea, her and the Bush twins. Just leave it alone. Chelsea's been in the news because someone asked her a question on how her mom handled the Lewinsky story, and she expressed astonishment that someone would even ask that. Please. Juan Williams and Michael Reagan defended her answer on Fox News this morning. I think it's about time she actually speaks, and I'd rather have her give that answer then stand mute like the Clintons usually force her to do.

So in Detroit, Kwame is in so much trouble that even the Free Press is calling for him to resign.
Detroit deserves better. And it's sad that this could over shadow the awesome season the Detroit Tigers are about to have. Even Sports Illustrated is picking them! I may have to get myself something other than those yummy butter pretzels in Detroit this weekend (and other than a baby shower gift!).

It is a beautiful day, 69 degrees according to my computer. And cherry blossom festival time! And the perfect weather to get a good run outside tonight.

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