Friday, December 7, 2007

December Burn-Out

It's Friday, December 7, with basically two weeks left in the working year, plus that maybe trip to Iowa. I have never wanted to do something less work-wise. I am tired and burnt out.

It's sort of the finals are/semester is over/I am really tired kind of feeling. It's the I have just gotten off a translatlantic flight and I have to go to work now and I'm tired/jet lagged feeling. It's the I need a new job feeling.

And I've had a headache for the past few days.

Lots of complaining here.

Other To-Dos
-Get a christmas tree
-figure out what to wear tomorrow night
-book the reception
-call Father Never-returns-my-phone-calls
-get a new purse
-start christmas shopping
-mail Kevin his check
-get a good run in tomorrow
-get my $16 from Doug
-get the Allison Krause/Robert Plant CD

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