Thursday, August 16, 2007

San Francisco

So I just got back from San Francisco. Stayed at the San Francisco Marriott. Drank a lot of Peet's coffee. So good. Ate at Boudin bakery. Palio was a definite wine/pizza highlight. Ton Kiang was fantastic Chinese. Fringale, one of the ten best French restaurants in San Fran, was some good seafood. As for the wine, Cline was the best winery I have been to. Cool Climate Syah nand Big Break Zin were one two of some fantastic, affordable wines. While Zen of Zin is a good name, I was a bit disappointed with Ravenswood. Though the guy comped our tastings. It was ridiculously hard to find, too.

I could have/should have bought much more a Cline.

Also, San Fran had a Virgin mega Store only a block from the hotel. I picked up some Emerson Hart and Fratellis, though I can't get the last one to input into my ipod. And the free CD was a disappointment. However, Paste arrived while I was gone, and I am liking that music. I also bought a Fine Frenzy; You Picked Me is stuck in my head thanks to itunes.

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