Friday, August 3, 2007

First Post

This is an experiment...I used to keep a diary/journal for many years, starting at age 10. I fell out of the habit a few years ago when I started grad school. I graduated over a year ago, so I can't use that excuse anymore. But I've been looking for an outlet to do some writing. I realize I am a bit late to join the blogging bandwagon, but I'm hoping that because I've waited, I'll be more apt to keep it up.

So what do I want to write about? I'm thinking politics--as that is what I do for a living--and some fun stuff. Music. Celebrity madness. Fashion a little, style a little. And see how all of this overlaps. And there are other subjects I'll touch on, too. College football. The Tigers and the state of Detroit. All of the weddings I have to go to in the next few months! Exercise, and running. Moving, b/c that is something I need to do soon, too! The upcoming elections, and who I like (Thompson vs. Romney? Neither? Both?!). Catholicism. Living in DC. How friendships and relationships and family changes as you enter your thirties (I'm 31!). Those old questions from high school religion classes: Who Am I? Where Am I Going? And Why?

So indulge me until I figure out some of this stuff. And join the ride.

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