Monday, November 12, 2012

The Petraeus Scandal

Count me as slightly obsessed with the Petraeus scandal. Yes, I was going through withdrawals of news consumption in the few days after the election, before which I just stared at my twitter feed and refreshed blogs and Drudge Report. (Yep, one of those conservatives who only reads the same RW material!).  But this scandal is juicy. Yep, between the daughter's blog, the DC setting, the scandalously threatening emails, and the sad spouse, it's scintillating. But there's a humanity to it that you just feel bad about the entire thing. It's like he made one huge mistake, took full responsibility, and gave up his post. And his family is being punished by seeing his photograph and the mistress (in her 15 minutes of fame) splashed everywhere.

And then you add  Libya, and with the specter of the Benghazi hearings this week, and a lame duck Congress, and the "when did the President know?" questions, then yeah, it's a DC soap storm. Ultimately, sadly, in DC sex sells and maybe that will finally put light on the scandal.

For now, I hope the family can heal, and all of those innocents brought to the middle of this unwittingly, they can go back to being anonymous. The only good thing is that all of the RIP conservative stories have been pushed off the front burner. Scandals sells more than ineptitude.

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