Sunday, March 4, 2012


It has been a long day of west coast travel, but I am still celebrating birthday #36. That used to seem like a ridiculously old age to be, and sometimes I really am convinced that I am only 29.  We are in our big home, damaged but intact, and we are solidly married.  Life could really be so much worse.

I want to get our home in shape, and I also want to experience the smile that the two month old baby had for his daddy flying back today.  So sweet. So real.  So genuine.

And I want to be happy and grateful and blessed that so much is mine to be treasured, when so much could go wrong.  You can freeze a moment in time and hope that it stays one way, while other things come your way too.

Happy birthday to me. We did not do much, only breakfast at the Chesapeake room.  But it was nice, still.

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