Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupy What?

I've been walking past Camp Occupy DC every day this week on the way to work. These people truly are pointless. They have miserable signs written on cardboard, they appear completely ignorant when it comes to economic and fiscal policy, and espouse largely incoherent philosophies that ultimately come down to the "Me, Me, Me" sentiment of Gen Y.  It is astonishing that they blame the nameless, faceless "Wall Street" as the villain when government policies which they have voted for created the "everyone needs a house and it's your fault if I can't pay for it" culture. There is no individual responsibility in this movement. It is completely about blaming and absolving themselves of all fault.

True, many people are unemployed through no fault of their own.  Friends we know are pacing the pavement, informational interviewing, and working to find an opportunity.  They aren't camped out for weeks on end in parks, eating free food and trashing their environment.  They aren't expecting a hand-out or blaming anyone.

The unfavorable tea party comparisons are particularly egregious.  Every tea party rally in DC has consisted of courteous, polite everyday Americans who have left the parks as clean as when they arrived.  They were grassroots before "Occupy Whatever" even existed.  Too bad their lessons won't be adopted by the campers in McPherson Square. Two weeks or so and counting there. Ugh.

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