Monday, October 10, 2011

Army Ten Miler III

So I did not beat my time from last year, though I finished only about 42 seconds slower. And a minute slower than Mr. Speedy. But it was a good race, I felt good at the end of it.  And any pace that is below 8:30 is pretty darn good, I think. It was a sunny day, and definitely warmer than last year.  And I guess it is a 10 miler PR for being in the 35-39 age bracket.

I made my now infamously delicious shrimp scampi pasta for dinner the night before. And had a bagel for breakfast. Running with gatorade: not a good idea, and I don't recommend it. I need to stick to water. I barely drank anything, though I did consume a few gu's. And one nasty side icky blister on my middle left toe. I guess it's the shoes, ugh.  But I was happy, overall.  Victory!

Gun / NetOverallGenderDiv 10K Split  Gun Time  Net Time  Pace 
 1:27:24  /  1:24:06   5116/21914  1050/9645  170/1752  0:52:23  1:27:24  1:24:06  8:24

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