Wednesday, May 11, 2011

(Lack of) Patience

I am not very patient. I am always on the go, and I think that is why I took up running. It's immediate. Yoga or Pilates is slooow. 

Email is fast. You send a message and expect instant gratification. I don't do well with waiting. I want to move NOW. I want to pack and unpack NOW.  I want to get home quickly, start dinner quickly, all so I can get to vegging out time, quickly.

I need to learn that not everyone goes at my pace. There can be learning curves, or slowness, or just patience for all in good time. But how patient can you be for patience? Do you count to 10? Do you never convey that immediacy is sometimes warranted?

I waited seven years to get engaged, so yes, I am capable of patience. But maybe that waiting period just made me impatient for everything else I needed and craved in life.

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