Friday, November 2, 2007

Seventies-Something nostalgia

This NYT column commented on the Daring Book For Girls, a cousin to the Dangerous Book for Boys that came out last year or so. How neat--I want to buy it for myself! Thirty years have gone by, which is about the time nostalgia really sets in. The 80s are still present of a cultural reference to have gotten to that point yet, though. But maybe there's a lot for my generation to relate to, too:
“The Daring Book for Girls” teaches the art of playing jacks and handclap games, roller skating, darts, jump rope, gin rummy and daisy chains.
It does take me back to the days of coming up with roller skating routines to Madonna songs, playing War, elaborate games of tag and neighborhood hide and seek and SPUD, jumping rope, the handclap games, dollhouses and cabbage patch kids and barbies, friendship pins and friendship bracelets, Saturday morning cartoons, Saturday afternoons at the library, playing garden, and whatever else we did. And getting our Commodore 64 was a HUGE deal. Now, every kid probably has an email account before they can write.

Kids just don't know what they're missing out on!!! But maybe now young girls will get an idea.

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