Friday, October 31, 2014

The Closing Arguments

Charles Krauthammer makes the case against Obama:

The anemic economy, the revulsion with governmental incompetence and the sense of national decline are, taken together, exacting a heavy toll on Democratic candidates. After all, they represent not just the party now in government but the party of government.

These are the closing arguments in the case against the Obama Administration. And Krauthammer barely scratched the surface of issues like Benghazi, his unprecedented executive overreach (and abdication, of everything he “didn’t know about”, and Fast & Furious.

Though don’t underestimate potential voter fraud in several places like Colorado. (And just general GOP campaign incompetence, though Dem candidates like Bruce Braley and Senator Mark Udall win this time around for dumb candidate statements). There will likely be run-offs in GA and Louisiana, so the election won’t end on Tuesday.

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