Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Memories 2013

1. J's obsession with his little cousin C. OMG when he kissed his photo on the iPhone...
2. J's cheating at Candy Land and subsequent tantrum. Like father, like son...
3. J's incessant photobombing.
4. Hearing the story of J's paper purses for his kindergarten classmates.
5. JR's cute, sweet smile. So cute...
6. Lunch with mom at Panera and looking at houseware items.
7. My mini-HS reunion. Feels like yesterday.
8. C's big boy outfits. And is he ever a big kid!
9. Kicking as$ at fantasy football with my record 230 point win. And victories by the Lions and Cowboys, a first.
10. Playing blocks and building a village with J.
11. That absolutely amazing Auburn-Alabama finish. 
12. All of boys playing in the basement playroom.
13. Talking with dad on the way from the airport.

So many great memories...

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