Thursday, May 7, 2009

Enroute to Detroit

Heading "home" today for big boy Joey's 1st birthday extravaganza. Has it really been a year? It sounds like he is growing up SO fast...pudgy and trying to walk and grab things and create all sorts of trouble. I am so excited to see him!!

Since I've been down-lately with some stuff, I am excited about this stuff to:

--I am so lame, but I so should have downloaded the Daughtry single No Surprise. Catchy and great music.
--Lost is SO good. Can hardly wait for the season finale next week, though I hate the 8 months to the new season starts. Lost is one of the best things about winter. Who dies? What time period do they end up in? So very good.
--The H Street Country Club menu is up and it looks like really good tex-mex. And how fun will the games be?!?!
--I have to buy a couple news shirts at the Gap today. Have to. So frustrated with menu!
--I am going to buy a trashy magazine -- even if it's just Health or Glamour -- for the trip today. I hope the weather holds up!

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