Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama on CT, Life

Grr...these remarks just infuriate me. How dumb. When it comes to experience or lack thereof, shouldn't Obama just keep his mouth shut.

And then he goes and says this about the right to life:

Asked by Warren at what point in its development a baby gains "human rights," Obama said that such determinations were "above my pay grade" -- a silly answer to a sophisticated question. If Obama is genuinely unsure about this matter, he (and the law) should err in favor of protecting innocent life. If Obama believes that a baby in the womb lacks human rights, he should say so -- pro-choice men and women must affirm (as many sincerely do) that developing life has a lesser status. Here the professor failed the test of logic.

Seriously, then whose pay grade it is? He is one of two men vying for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. If he can't voice his views on when life begins, who can? A judge, because oh yes, judges can legislate. But just not Clarence Thomas.

Update...more here with several familiar folks quoted.

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