Thursday, February 14, 2008

New Computer!

I love love love my new computer. Lenovo Thinkpad R61. It actually synced my entire itunes library, including music that mysteriously would not play previously. Oh, and there is actually memory on it! So very exciting. My CD drive works, and I finally had a chance to enter the Chantal In My Life song. All of these years later. And the Fratellis CD from last summer, too.

I am finally home from LA. I voted yesterday, for McCain. I wish I would be a bit more enthusiastic about it, but I have a feeling he will have a tough time vs. Obama. Hillary, too, but Obama certainly has to mojo now. Hillary is going down, down, and I really can't wait to see it. But if there's a price to be paid in November? I'm very interested to see who the Veep pick will be.

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