Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What's Left in Detroit

Some sobering statistics about the continued decline of Detroit:
Very few of the people who are staying out of the labor force in Detroit are staying out because they are stay-at-home moms with working husbands. Of the 264,209 households in Detroit, only 24,275 — or 9.2 percent — are married couple families with children under 18. Another 78,438 households — or 29.7 percent of the total — are "families" headed by women with no husband present. Of these, 43,742 have children under 18.

There were 12,103 babies born in Detroit in the 12 months prior to the Census Bureau survey, and 9,124 of them — or 75.4 percent — were born to unmarried women.

Of the 363,281 housing units in Detroit, 99,072 are vacant. Indeed, vacant houses have become a powerful visual symbol of what advancing socialism has done to the city. Traditional family life is nearing extinction in this once vibrant corner of America.
Wow. 27% of Detroit homes are vacant. 75% of babies are born to unwed mothers. Only 9.2% of families are traditional, two parent, married homes.  Only 7% of 8th graders are proficient in reading, and only 4% are proficient in math.

No wonder that the city is on an accelerating downward trajectory. The traditional family works, more often than not. And that's not present. I didn't even go into the workforce statistics, but if 45% of Detroiters over 16 aren't active or seeking employment, then damn. You can't recover from this. Something drastic needs to change, and soon.

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