Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Syria September 10

Peggy Noonan, as she so often does, makes sense of the lack of strategery that President Obama is exhibiting with respect to Syria. About President Obama's address tonight:

All this, if it is roughly correct, is going to make the president’s speech tonight quite remarkable. It will be a White House address in which a president argues for an endeavor he is abandoning. It will be a president appealing for public support for an action he intends not to take.
We’ve never had a presidential speech like that!

Then get ready for the spin job of all spin jobs. It’s already begun: the White House is beginning to repeat that a diplomatic solution only came because the president threatened force. That is going to be followed by something that will grate on Republicans, conservatives, and foreign-policy journalists and professionals. But many Democrats will find it sweet, and some in the political press will go for it, if for no other reason than it’s a new story line.
Twelve years after 9/11, one year after Benghazi, and five years into a presidency, we may have the most inept foreign policy, well, since Jimmy Carter. They know nothing. They have learned nothing.

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