Friday, September 20, 2013

Sweet Valley High Syndrome

I came across this piece through a link from a link. It's about how the idealized, model-ific Wakefield twins ruined her conception of high school-hood. I'm the same age as the author, though of course, no older sister for me. I also had a weakness for the serialized book series, i.e. the Little House books. So yeah, more to relate to.

My high school, obviously, was nothing like Sweet Valley High. And I was not a beautiful size six, blond hair, blue eyed goddess who might have been a model. I didn't have boys chasing after me, and I didn't have a niche of friends in high school. Though with my impending 20th reunion coming up, and after having seen Julie this summer, high school and what could have been, should have been is a conception that stays with me. And everything it might have been that was not, and thankfully, was not.

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