Monday, March 4, 2013


So it's been a year of being 36. It's another year older, with little changed. We might get a lot of snow on Wednesday. We have to go to New Orleans on Friday. And the world keeps turning.

I guess I have my own private wishes for the year ahead, and I also hope it goes as well as this past year has gone. There was loss for my friends, but many new babies born. Including a niece and nephew. There were continents explored, like Africa, a place I never thought I'd visit. There were vacations enjoyed and there were miles flown on United.

There were also some hopes and dreams not realized, and there was not always the peace I longed for at times. And there are always some tears and some unfulfilled goals. But there was also joy.

Happy 37th birthday, Lisa. I hope the year ahead brings some of the joy of family time, professional fulfillment, friends, and home to fuller fruition.

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