Tuesday, April 8, 2008


You read stories like this, and all of the stress of job searches and wedding planning is pretty much meaningless. Thank God for people like this. Or you read a story like this baby girl's and it resonates, and you think, wow, if I could only be that strong.

I don't write much about faith. There are times like last summer, after Margaret died, when I wonder how you can have faith when something so wrong happens, when someone who is so loved has her time cut short. And then you think about how much love is in the world, when your nephew receives dozens of gifts, and hundreds of strangers feel touched by a family they'll never know. You wonder how anyone can be strong enough and then you wonder how anyone could not be. And know that being a parent means what is best for your child, whether it means supporting their choices or relieving their suffering. Or knowing when to let go and how to ease the pain.

There are so many unimaginable tragedies in life, and families deal with them every day. I hope these families know that others care and are grateful and are thinking of them, for sharing their stories and letting others know you can survive.

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