Sunday, April 20, 2008


We were in Charleston over the weekend, staying at Charleston Place Hotel (I saw a bride!) and eating at the Peninsula Grill. We had a very tasty she-crab soup, some kind of ravioli (too small) and a fillet. Dessert was delicious, particularly their yummy coconut cake. The meeting itself was fine, though the news about little Francis and everything Amos is going through left me sad leaving. I am glad to be home, and count my blessings. Donna's little niece was born, 1 pound 12 ounces and your heart just totally goes out to this. And Ann's divorce and then everything that does suck isn't as bad as it could be.

Took it easy--a quick trip to Target and the grocery store, a workout, a nap, and new DH and Brothers & Sisters tonight. Yeah!

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