Thursday, April 2, 2015

More Things I Think...

1. I am excited for the new Blue Apron order. Lamb meatballs, seared chicken, cod. Yum.
2. It's Holy Thursday.  I remember always going to the evening service at St. V's so many years ago with mom, seeing the altar servers and the darkness, the incense, the procession. Such a profound moment during this week. It has been at least what, twenty years? Wow.
3. Sunshine and 70s today. Yes. Spring is slowly blooming.
4. I finished A Peace to End All Peace last night. I will begin Dead Wake by Erik Larson next. I am still itching to find something else on the Ottoman empire or Turkey or maybe Israel...not sure what.
5. The Americans last Paige learning who her parents really are was a shock, to say the least. What marvelous acting. It's refreshing not to be spoiled, and I think that also contributes to the quality of the show. Like Mad Men, you have no idea what will come next. We're entering 1983 right now in the show--based on when Tootsie premiered, though Christmas hasn't been mentioned--and with three episodes remaining this season, anything can happen. Amazing that I am old enough to remember that time, too. I was the exact age of Joey, first grade.
6. Four weeks to the big office move. I am excited for the new gym and the fact that there may be actual temperature control and outdoor space. The rest, we shall see. Like the windows...
7. Yoga last night. It was so crowded. I have such a love-hate relationship with yoga. I want to like it and become more flexible, and if I'm in Warrior 2 or even 3 I feel stronger. But most of the time, I'm too self-conscious, thinking of too many other things, and so distracted by the others who can do headstands. That is not what yoga is all about.
8. Though I am excited we bought the elliptical. Worthwhile purchase.
9. Ten years ago Pope John Paul II passed away.
10. This story, about the mom who murdered her children and stowed them in the freezer, sickens me. A death penalty is too good for her.

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