Tuesday, January 13, 2015


It's been a month.

The holidays rushed by...the Bahamas and Michigan and then back to DC, lots of shopping for mattresses and disastrous bookshelves, NYE and a trip to Louisiana. And back again, and unprepared for Cowboys devastating losses and everything else that 2015 may or may not bring.

And the world is responding, with violent attacks in Paris and a metro smoke incident resulting in one death. The world is troubling. And awful cold.

Enroute to and from Lafayette, I read The Looming Tower. Captivating read, though the book is nearly a decade old. You forget how frightening and on edge the world was. Watching the Charlie Hedbo and Jewish grocery store attacks, you remember. Like it was yesterday.

So I will write more. I promise. But what a start to 2015, huh?

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