Thursday, February 27, 2014

Musings on Turning 38

Five days left until I enter the last two years of my 30s. I was reading my birthday entry from a year ago, and there's a tinge of bittersweet in it. There always is, isn't it? Unmet expectations, disappointments, but also joy that family and friends are well and intact and overall, it has been a good year. Maybe not a great year, but it's been good. Full of travel, times to see friends, time with family. A new nephew. Mostly good health.

Every year like this is a blessing, even if there are unfulfilled wishes and desires. And I know I should never take anything for granted. Because when you reach this stage--practically middle age, right?--you should never assume that 12 months later, things will remain.

So 38? I have a twenty year high school reunion year coming up. Remember how a classmate passed away last year? So nothing is assumed, and I don't even know if I would attend, anyway. But that's a milestone. And there are many things to look forward to, like a trip to Europe, a week at the beach, Napa, time with family, house projects. All good things.

My birthday is on Mardi Gras this year, and I don't remember how long it's been since it was last on that date. Better than Ash Wednesday, of course. I can still rejoice, and I have my moment to celebrate. Heck, I could be turning 40 this year, right? I'm not quite ready for that. But soon enough.

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