Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Early Arrested Development Review

I'm about ten episodes in to the new Arrested Development season. I know it's been given mixed reviews thus far, though I'm a fan. B+, with a potential for a higher rating once there's more Maeby and Buster.

The years have not been kind to the Bluth family, particularly to Michael, who is fairly pathetic. George-Michael seems to be doing the best, though he hasn't been featured much. Is he fooling around with his "cousin" Maeby? Maybe...that remains to be seen. As for the rest of the family, Lucille was tried in maritime court with no family support. She was sent to "camp cupcake" before heading to Austerity. Liza Minelli's Lucille 2 was a welcome face, and she has a new David Gest-like brother. Tobias met a new druggie girlfriend, and Lindsay became a true slut with multiple dalliances. I've found their duo episodes the slowest, though Tobias is hysterical. I've been a little confused with the George/Oscar twins plotting, and the sweat lodge is pretty random. As is John Slattery's character, which proves that his 21st century version of Roger isn't totally misplaced amongst the Bluth family. And Gob...Job....Gob. The pleasant surprise that Ann Veal's entire family appeared was appreciated, and I laughed aloud during the “And As It Is Such, So Also As Such Is It Unto You." Just typing it makes me laugh.

I'm hoping to get through the next five episodes tonight and tomorrow. The longer length makes it a little more tedious to watch. Not boring, but there's a difference between at 22 minute sitcom and a 35 minute episode that is not tightly edited. There are also many cameo re-appearances, like Kitty and Steve Holt and Gene Parmesan and Barry Zuckercorn and Bob Loblaw and new ones like Rebel Alley and of course Ron Howard playing Ron Howard, that make it a whirlwind to follow. But a good one.

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